Category: The Bedroom


     Well, if our bedroom category encompasses all things associated with love then what goes “hand in hand” with love but dating?  However, not just dating in the sense of the “traditional” boy meets girl, falls in love, blah, blah, blah… dating, but rather woman meets man, man meets woman, man meets man, or woman meets woman ( I’m sure I left out other possibilities but you get the idea) in the comedic theater of post divorce dating.  Anyhoo, we hope to explore all aspects of the trials and tribulations of anyone that has put themselves back out there again and found it to be, “challenging”, in this section of our blog.

So share a dating horror story, or success story today by leaving a comment…

Mike & Nancy

The Bedroom…

     This is where we hope to explore all the things associated with love.  From that first date to the “I do” and everything in between.  Oh yeah, and “All that Jazz”. Ooo, la la!

Mike & Nancy