Category: The Family Room


Bound·ary – noun \ˈbau̇n-d(ə-)rē\

:something (such as a river, a fence, or an imaginary line) that shows where an area ends and another area begins

:a point or limit that indicates where two things become different

boundaries : unofficial rules about what should not be done : limits that define acceptable behavior.

— Thank you Merriam-Webster

     In this area of our Family Room we are going to touch on that last little line up there that statesunofficial rules about what should not be done : limits that define acceptable behavior”. I have to ask each of you out there that are reading this… has an X ever done something that would qualify as a violation of “boundaries” in your world? I know we have, and this is the section where we will share those stories and we hope that you will share yours.

Nancy & Mike

Inlaws & Outlaws

     Very often when one finds that very special someone and decides to get re-married (or married for that matter) the thought of that special someone’s extended family being included in the package, to an extent, generally doesInlaws & Outlaws not enter into the equation.  Now imagine for a moment multiple sets of inlaws, some you are no longer technically family with, being a part of your life.  Just because a marriage might end does not necessarily mean a relationship with other family members of ones former spouse ends.  In this section we will talk about those relationships both old and new that come with marrying that certain someone special.  It can get a bit complicated and at times downright funny.  Have a story to share that relates to this subject?  If you have a funny or heartwarming story about your inlaws or “outlaws” leave us your story today through a comment.

Nancy & Mike


The Family Room

     Whoops!  Forgot to post this description of “The Family Room” tab before telling you about the sub categories in this section.  In the family room we will have conversations about family interactions after getting remarried.  Everything from the proverbial “blended” family to perhaps the shaken and stirred ones too!!  So hold on to you seats as we uncork stories of our past, and present ever changing families.  

Mike & Nancy

Wuzbands & Whyves

     X’s…  Need we say more?  In this area we will explore those who were our husbands (Wuzbands) and those for whom we asked ourselves why (Whyves).  Now this can be a very sensitive subject when it comes to those who used to be ones significant other but I assure you we will make every effort not to bad mouth those individuals.  Blurg, as I write this MY ex is texting me that she has made plans for our son on OUR weekend.  Does this happen to anyone else out there?? Grrrr.

Mike & Nancy

Parenting…Step or Otherwise

    Lets face it, parenting, let alone step parenting, t’aint easy in this whirlwind world we live in.  In this section we hope to have an honest discussion about parenting, both the 1.0 (standard) version and the 2.0 (Step) version.  Everything from introducing kiddos to the new love in ones life to just plain being there when it matters most.  We will share our experiences in this department and we welcome yours. So if you have questions and or comments on the subject feel free to join our conversation today.  We welcome it!!

Mike & Nancy