On the bucket list... Firenze, Italia
On the bucket list… Firenze, Italia

     Now I think this category is probably going to be one of my faves!!  Think of it… travel near, travel far, time travel?? O.o Though it sounds self explanatory travel and leisure can include so many different things to so many different people. Traveling, for Nancy and I encompasses not only the places we’ve been together but also the places we want to go together.  It also certainly includes those places we have gone to as a family.  Those places I spoke a bit about back in the “making memories” category outline.  The destinations we’ve traveled to and have yet to reach include far off places as well as undiscovered treasures right around the corner from our home and everywhere in between.  We will share with you some of our favorite destinations and perhaps even some of our not so favorite destinations.

     Like travel, leisure time pursuits, (when leisure time presents itself) can both be with the entire family or just Nancy and I as a couple or something that Nancy or I enjoy as a hobby.  Some of our favorite leisure time activities are the ones where the entire family “unplugs” from the TV, computer, smart phone or what ever and gets back to some good ol low tech fun.  Something a seemingly simple as a friendly game of cards can lead to fun times and memories that will last way longer than you would ever imagine.  For Nancy and I a lot of our leisure time is also with low tech activities such as curling up with a good book in front of the fire or spending some quality time out in the yard “puttering” once the sun does come out.  But when we want to do something more exciting there is never any shortage of things to check out in our lovely city of Portland.  So sit back, relax, and enjoy some leisure time with us.
