Let’s have some fun in this section too.  A category like Arts & Crafts can take us in a multitude of directions.  We’re just going to start writing and see where the journey takes us… see kinda like art. Look around at the world that surrounds you, art is everywhere you just have to take notice of it.  Here iCrafty McCraftyn Portland art can be found in a multitude of places from the sides of buildings in the form of street art to our own dining table where the kiddos’ latest and greatest masterpieces are created.  In this section we will explore the depth and breadth of art where we find it and how at times we create it.

     In our household, we believe crafting is a great way for the entire family to relax and enjoy some free time while creating lasting memories both from the experience of making something and from doing so with the people you love… your family.  Projects we hope to feature include sewing and holiday projects as well as fun things the kiddos like to do such as duct tape creations. Some of the projects that have been done over the years might even be considered art, well, by we proud parents anyway. And that’s why this category is called Arts AND Crafts.
